Automatic Voltage Stabilizers must need to save Industrial Electrical Equipments

We all know that power supply is erratic at most places in India. Voltage fluctuations are common and quiet high in our power lines. They harm your electrical appliances like television, refrigerator, air conditioner etc. and affect your valuable equipment critically, even leaving them in to a permanently damaged condition.

Voltage stabilizers have thus found place in many homes and offices in India. In this article we will talk about voltage stabilizers: what they do, how much power do they consume and how to select.
Stabilizers (often termed as Automatic and Safe Voltage Regulators) are static devises to stabilize your utility voltage before feeding to the connected equipment. It recognizes the voltage fluctuations in the utility and regulates it internally to deliver a consistent range of output voltage, if your utility voltage is low; your stabilizer senses it, boosts it to the required level of voltage and then feeds to the connected equipment to work without troubles. This happens vice versa in case of a high voltage that appears in the utility line.

HT Automatic Voltage Stabilizers:

H.T. automatic voltage stabilizers are used to get stable input voltage, irrespective of the voltage variations received from electricity authorities. Additionally, these stabilizers also prevent the transformer and other electrical equipment from getting overloaded. Wide voltage variation ranges are taken care continuously and in on load condition. The variations of more than ± 1% of the rated output voltage are sensed through solid state relay. This relay operates on 230 V, 1Ø supply and sends signals to the stabilizer’s motor, which drives the roller mechanism in a direction to bring voltage to the rated output voltage.

Advantage with HT Voltage Stabilizers:
  • Do not let the pass fluctuations to distribution transformer from H.T. supply
  • Single unit of H.T. automatic servo voltage stabilizer can be connected to more than one distribution transformer.
  • Can be placed anywhere on the feeder line
  • Output voltage of H.T. AVR remains constant at any connected load and up to full load.


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